FMJD : Message sur la mort de Fidel Castro Ruz

Publié le 26 Novembre 2016

FMJD : Message sur la mort de Fidel Castro RuzFMJD : Message sur la mort de Fidel Castro Ruz
The World Federation of Democratic Youth receives with deep pain the news of the physical disappearance of the Undefeated Commander of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz.
The youth of our organizations will continue struggle and acting following the example and the ideas of comrade Fidel in the construction of world free from of exploitation and with equal and full rights for all the people. The legacy he leaves to the history of the humanity includes also the legacy for our Federation with the rescue of the movement of the World Festivals of the Youth and the Students, in 1997, where is also a guide to the perseverance and combativeness that must characterize us when we defend fair ideas.
WFDY states that especially now under the preparatory process of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students, our memories take us back, to a hard period where a lot of forces were expecting the disappearance of the movement of the Festival, but Fidel despite any difficulties and considering the importance of the international youth movement welcomed the entire world in Cuba, in 1997, and together with the Cuban people were meant to be one of the main responsibles for the continuance of the WFYS. We call the anti-imperialist and progressive youth of the World to nor step back, neither to remain impassive, the front line of the struggle is our recognition to the face of Fidel, lets join our hands and voices until the overthrow of imperialism.
About the youth Fidel expressed:
"And what youth do we want? Do we want, perhaps, a youth that simply concentrates to hearing and to repeating? Not! We want a youth that thinks. A youth, perhaps, which is revolutionary for imitating with us? Not!, but a youth that learns for itself to being revolutionary, a youth that becomes convinced to itself, a youth that develops fullly its thought. "
Comrade Fidel, we will continue your legacy for our fight up to the definitive victory. Now, with more force than ever, Fidel multiplies in us and continues being a force that keeps us firm in our aim for a better world.
The anti-imperialism, the internationalism, the solidarity and the peace, basic principles of WFDY, have been enriched and fortify with Fidel's ideas.
The death is not true when the work of the life has been fulfilled.
Up to always Fidel!
Up to the victory always!
On Behalf of WFDY the HQ
Budapest 26th November 2016

Publié dans #International, #FMJD, #Cuba

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