FMJD : Communiqué sur la participation de la FMJD aux célébrations du centenaire de la Grande Révolution Socialiste d'Octobre

Publié le 9 Novembre 2017

FMJD : Communiqué sur la participation de la FMJD aux célébrations du centenaire de la Grande Révolution Socialiste d'Octobre

Press release for the participation of WFDY at the celebrations of the centenary of the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution


The World Federation of Democratic Youth participated in the manifestations of the 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The manifestations were implemented through an international call at first in St. Petersburg between November 2 to 4, and then in Moscow between November 5 to 7. WFDY was represented with a delegation of 3, the President Nikolas Papadimitriou, the General Secretary Jose Angel Maury de Toro and the Vice President Adnan El Mokdad.

The call for the manifestations was made by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) and within this framework the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties took also place in St. Petersburg. On November 6 an international conference was held in Moscow to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Great October. The conference was addressed by WFDY’s General Secretary. On November 7, WFDY participated in the main rally in Moscow for the commemoration of the “Revolution”, while the president of WFDY gave a speech at the end of the rally. The rally was attended by thousands of Russian citizens along with thousands of people came from abroad in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Great October.

During the manifestations WFDY reaffirmed that commemorates the Great October Socialist Revolution as an event that shocked the world and changed the history. It is a momentous event that is provided for analysis and conclusions. WFDY recognizes the achievements and the goals of the “revolution” while it stands in the great contribution of the Soviet Union in the crush of fascism in World War II. Mainly WFDY considers the Great October Revolution as an event that contributed in the development of the anti-fascist, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist movements. It was after the revolution, and more specific after the World War II where the peoples initiated their national struggles. Struggles for liberation, independence and self-determination followed the Great October. Struggles of the workers and the youth rights against exploitation were developed. The labor and the student movements worldwide were receiving guidelines from the Great October in order to develop struggles on national and international level and to maintain their unity against a common enemy, imperialism.

Also WFDY during the manifestations expressed the position that in nowadays the commemoration of the revolution is not reflected only on its reference with its historical moments, but it shall be reflected with extracting lessons from it in order to confront imperialism and construct peace and solidarity in the world. Lessons that can guide the youth and the workers in their struggles against their exploitation by the private capital and the big monopolies. The reference to the Great October signalizes the message that the peoples of the world will rise again, and in a world where imperialism seems to be inevitable the progressive and militant youth shall show the alternative of the struggle. WFDY calls for the reinforcement of this struggle until the total overthrow of imperialism, until the day where the peoples of the world will be the real masters of their lives and their lands.

Long Live the Great October!

Long Live the anti-imperialist struggle!


Budapest, November 9, 2017

On Behalf of WFDY
The HQ

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