FMJD : Déclaration de solidarité avec Lula
Publié le 6 Avril 2018
The unfortunate results for the Brazilian democracy took the process against the former President Dilma Rouseff, which culminated in 2016 with a parliamentary coup d’état and the establishment of a government unpopular and undemocratic, they opened a phase of intensification of a campaign against the left and their leaders in Brazil.
As part of this strategy, in July 2017, the former president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sentenced to nine years in prison for the alleged crime of passive corruption and money laundering. In January 2018 the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Region, in Porto Alegre, also without evidence, ratified the sentence and Lula was sentenced to 12 years and one month in prison.
The last April 4th the Supreme Federal Tribunal of the Federative Republic of Brazil rejected the writ of Habeas Corpus filed by the defense of the former president of Brazil. Yesterday the Brazilian judiciary has ordered the arrest of the leader of the Workers' Party of Brazil.
It has not been possible to submit proof to justify such accusations against Lula, for what this verdict goes against the provisions of the Brazilian Constitution which protects of guilt to all the accused without damning evidence. In this unconstitutional result again had allied the judiciary and the major media in Brazil, both dominated by the right forces.
From the past year Lula confirmed his decision to run for the presidential elections that will take place in October 2018. In tours in the south of the country, Lula and his entourage have been victims of aggression of the Fascist character, including armed attacks, which are evidence of the intentions of the right to eliminate by any means the candidate most likely to win the next elections, according to reports from surveys. This confirms the disruption of democracy Brazil since 2016.
Lula continues to enjoy broad popular support, sympathy and international recognition, as a result of the successes of his government's management that the benefit to the large majorities, which today are trying to deprive of the right to choose it again as its president, opening the way for a wave of neo-liberal and reverse their conquests.
From the World Federation of Democratic Youth we condemn this decision against Lula and we call on all our organizations to show solidarity and support to the leader and former Brazilian president in favor of the respect for justice and democracy in Brazil.
Budapest, April 6th, 2018