FMJD - Déclaration sur la Journée internationale des étudiants 2017

Publié le 17 Novembre 2017

FMJD - Déclaration sur la Journée internationale des étudiants 2017
The World Federation of Democratic Youth honors the heroic struggle of students for freedom, democracy and social justice as well as the fight against fascism and imperialism.
The 17th of November is referred as the International Students’ Day and it is celebrated in honor of the students who were victims of the Nazis in Czechoslovakia when on November 17, 1939, the occupying armies invaded in the dormitory of the University of Prague killing 9 students while other 1200 students were sent to the fascist concentration camps. Is a day to commemorate the heroic resistance of Students in Prague against Fascism in 1939 as well as the heroic sacrifice of students during the anti-imperialist popular uprising of Polytechnic University in Athens, Greece 1973.
78 years are completed since the heroic sacrifice of students in Prague and 44 years since the sacrifice of the students of the Athens Polytechnic University. The heroic and honored sacrifices of the students of the past, is the flag in the struggles of today for freedom, democracy and social justice as well as the fight against fascism and imperialism.
Today the students are in front of challenges that impose on them the responsibility to honor the 17th of November. The rise of fascism in the world shall remind to all the students the sacrifices preceded, along with the disaster and death that humanity faced by the nazi-fascism. Further, the students as a militant part in the society must join the student movements along with the struggle against the institutionalized attack to the right of Education.
WDFY once again calls the students to follow the organized struggle against the privatizations and policies which promote the sell-off of the public and free education, to raise their voices in favor of the free access to education. The students today shall also safeguard the historical truth against the imperialists that are attempting to falsify and distort the history in order to manipulate the people and the masses. The truth of the history shall guide the struggles of the students against the imperialist domination. The historical achievements of the students and workers shall be honored, especially when today the imperialists are attempting to erase every struggle with the most aggressive anti-communist and anti-popular propaganda.
We salute the millions of students in the World that will join the demonstrations and the mobilizations to honor the day and the sacrifices of the students of 1939 and 1973 along with other student sacrifices in the world that resulted after the struggle against imperialism.
We also salute the students' struggles in every country in favor of peace, solidarity and the overthrow of imperialism, against exploitation, oppression and withdrawal of rights.
Education is a right, not a privilege!
Long live the 17th of November and the Student Movement!
On Behalf of WFDY the HQ
Budapest, November 17, 2017
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