FMJD : La FMJD condamne l'assassinat de Santiago Maldonado
Publié le 30 Octobre 2017
The World Federation of Democratic Youth has already expressed its solidarity in relation with the disappearance of the Argentinian youth Santiago Maldonado. Santiago was falsely arrested and disappeared since August 1st 2017, for all this period his family, friends and comrades were living under the feeling of agony. Every single day since the 1st of August, the progressive youth of Argentina together with the international youth anti-imperialist movement were calling in finding Santiago alive, on the same time that they were condemning the repression and violence executed by the Argentinian National Gendarmerie.
Santiago was found dead on the 18th of October 2017. The death of Santiago is a result of assassination and it must be condemned. It is the proof of the aggressiveness against the social protests and the freedom of expression that once more and again the Argentinian people suffers.
Santiago reminds us for our demand for the respect of the right to demonstrate and to express without exposing physical integrity and endangering life. It is a right that is under violation within imperialism and with the domination of the big monopolies. Santiago comes from a continent where it suffered and suffers from the imperialist plans. Latin America has a painful experience of assassinations and disappearance of hundreds of thousands of valuable young persons, of progressive and communist people who were struggling to construct a just and inclusive society for the whole of the peoples of America, who were struggling against imperialism.
Finally we call the youth to condemn the assassination of Santiago Maldonado. Santiago was taken alive by force, and he will remain alive in the consciousness of the millions of progressive and anti-imperialist youth of the world.
On Behalf of WFDY - The HQ of WFDY - Budapest, October 2017