FMJD : Message de soutien aux mobilisations de grève en Grèce

Publié le 6 Mai 2016

FMJD : Message de soutien aux mobilisations de grève en Grèce

Greeting message of WFDY to the strike mobilizations in Greece!


The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) greets the strike mobilizations throughout Greece!
On May 7th and 8th the government of SYRIZA-ANEL in Greece aims, through fast-track procedures, to pass a guillotine-law that eliminates what remains from one of the workers’ biggest conquests during the 20th century: Social Security and Healthcare, it crashes the pensions and increases the taxation of the people. There are additional charges onto the backs of the Greek people, that are added to the anti-popular measures taken the last years and sealed by the third memorandum signed between the Greek government, the EU, the ECB and the IMF during last summer.

The struggle you wage in Greece has a great importance, we follow it with great interest and we support it. The World Federation of Democratic Youth express its internationalist solidarity with the class-oriented workers’ movement which struggles to block the guillotine--law and more particularly to the youth, the young workers, the students who struggle for work, education and for a life with rights. We denounce the employers’ and governmental repression that had as a result the arrest of tenths of strikers. WFDY unites its voice with the voice of the strikers, with all who struggle at the workplaces, and mobilize at the street, within the framework of the 48-hour strike of 6th and 7th of May and of the mobilization on May 8th.

Long live the rightful struggle of the Greek Workers’ Movement!
Long Live the strikes of the 6th and 7th of May!!


On Behalf of WFDY
The Head Quarters
Budapest, May 6, 2016

Publié dans #International, #FMJD, #Grèce

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